Second meeting of project "Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Youth" (EIY)

"Organization for Scientific and Practical Development of Students" and аssociation "A Rocca", Italy carried out the second partners meeting of Project 2014-1-BG01-KA205-001633" Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Youth" (EIY) funded by Erasmus +, Key Action 2 "Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices". Hosts of the meeting were our partners from "A Rocca" and as temperamental and hospitable people from the Mediterranean, they created a friendly, creative and productive atmosphere. The meeting took place in the town of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, Sicily from 13th till 15th June 2015.

During the meeting both organizations presented and discussed the results and stages of the activities that were implemented by the start of the project. They also discussed ideas and agreed with indicative schedules for implementation of the upcoming project events, including conferences and networking events, which will be held on the territories of both countries. The successful and lasting partnership between the organizations led to conversations for future partnerships and initiatives.

18 Jun 2015


There was a kick-off meeting conducted for Project 2014-1-BG01-KA205-001633 "Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Youth (EIY)", financed under Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 ": Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Strategic Partnerships in the youth field". The meeting was held in Sofia and lasted 5 days. Both organizations, which are involved in the project participated in it - "Organization for Scientific and Practical Development of the Students" and the Italian partner - Association "A Rocca". During the meeting, the organizations discussed, synchronized and admitted an implementation plan. They also designed and signed a partnership agreement.

Representatives from both organizations participated in a press conference, where they presented the results from the kick-off meeting, the goals, the activities and the expected results by the successful implementation of the project.

As a main goal in Project 2014-1-BG01-KA205-001633 "Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Youth (EIY)", is defined the encouraging of the entrepreneur spirit for a higher employment and initiating of business enterprises, which directly corresponds to the priorities of the Erasmus +.

Specific Goals of the Project are:

  • Improving of the basic skill and competences in the field of entrepreneurship;
  • Sharing experience and good practices and establishing new business contacts;
  • Stimulating of imitativeness and creativity in the young people for starting their own business.

The entrepreneur thinking is a key element of the economic growth and a compulsory condition for sustainable local and regional development and social rapprochement. To support the development of the entrepreneur competences for starting a new enterprise and for the qualitative implementation of the goals, this project is focusing the following activities:

  • Analysis: "Research of the entrepreneurship and the factors for development of youth enterprises"

The analysis will examine the prerequisites for starting and renovating business in Bulgaria and Italy. It will also present the main factors in starting business in both countries: regulatory framework, market conditions, culture and specific characteristics, access to finance (European and national funds).

  • Designing and Implementing of 2 exhibitions of Young Entrepreneurs in Bulgaria and Italy

Such events are very suitable for sharing and exchanging of experience, innovative ideas and concepts, as well as to establish useful business contacts. They are a tool for promoting economic and trade relations between the participants.

  • Publishing a Guide of the Youth Entrepreneurs

Its basis will be the analysis carried out and good practices of Bulgarian and Italian entrepreneurs shared the exhibitions.

The handbook aims to encourage more young people to recognize entrepreneurship as a possible career path.

The manual will be translated and published in 3 languages - Bulgarian, Italian and English.

18 Feb 2015

Young people are learning about the French spirit and customs through sport and balanced diet on "Be Healthy" project

The project "Be Healthy", financed by the Programme "Youth In Action", exchanges ideas and practices in the field of sport and balanced diet. A group of Bulgarian youth presented, in Toulouse, to the French partners of the project practical demonstrations and helpful presentations for well and sustain condition of the human organism.

All groups took part in various and intriguing games and activities, as a result of the good practices and warm relationships between the partners it have been realized a common project – a broadcast dedicated on the sport and balanced diet. This broadcast has a major role in the implementation of the project, because it will have a long-term and comprehensive effect. Elaboration of thematic posters, meeting with a local chef, preparation and presentation of traditional dishes, meetings with a nutritionist and an engineer-biologist, and interviews with experts and participants have been a small part of the of the actions, through which the groups contour their dedication to the common goal during their stay.

ONPRS has participated in the implementation of the project, thereby we succeeded to show another example of generating nice and useful ideas and good practices.

23 Feb 2014


"Student Eco Voluntary Hall" has started. The project is financed by "National Youth Programme 2011-2015", Subprogramme 3: "Youth volunteering and participating in voluntary initiatives". Organization for Scientific and Practical Development of the Students (ONPRS) is implementing the activities of the project. The duration of the project is 7 months and it should be finished by 1st April 2014.

The main aims of the project are to promote values of voluntary and to improve practices in managing voluntary activities in Studentski grad, Sofia. These goals are about to be implemented through creating of a student eco voluntary hall, which will be used for student practices, trainings and workshops.

The realized multifunctional eco voluntary hall will be suitable for multiple actions such as:

  • Outdoor lessons – the "Hall" will be easily to reserve. This will be provided by an online application - filled and consistent with the schedule.
  • Organizing and realizing voluntary initiatives – the "Hall" will create conditions for implementing voluntary actions – presentations, campaigns and etc.
  • Voluntary meeting point – every initiative of a bigger scale in the area could be planned and logistically supported by the "Hall", where a great number of participants will be able to plan and work.
  • Organizing and realizing of informal education – the area will provide perfect conditions for organizing and realizing of role and situation games, multicultural sessions and civil education sessions.
  • Recruiting of volunteers, evaluation and monitoring of initiatives – the Internet site and the planned tools on it for organizing of voluntary labor will provide an instrument for organizing and controlling different voluntary initiatives.

Every material used for building of the "Hall" is going to be ecologically, environmentally friendly and promoting nature protection and active measures. Recycle bins, solar lamps and solar systems for charging laptops, multimedia projectors and etc. will be installed.

Youth voluntary participating is a top priority of ONPRS. That is why the present project and the pro bono efforts of all young people, who would take part in the initiative, a miserable an unpleasant area will be cultivated, namely the adjacent space behind 24 Block in Studentski grad.

Key partners of the project are: Municipality of Sofia – Studentski grad, Students Council of UNWE, WWF – Bulgaria, University of Forestry – Sofia and Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association.

03 Feb 2014


Project BG051PO001-1.1.13-0442-C0001 "CREATING OF NEW JOBS IN ONPRS" has been launched. The project is funded by the "Human Resources Development" Operational Programme, co-financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union.

The objectives of the project are:

  • Organization for Scientific and Practical development of the Students will hire five unemployed youth people up to the age of 29, as investment costs and labor costs are covered.
  • To provide training on key competences for young employees depending on the needs of the employer and their enclosure in practice.

The budget of the grant award is 62 472 BGN.

The implementation activities in the project are in line with the principles set by OP "Human Resources Development". Equality and non-discrimination based on gender, race, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation - a mandatory integral part of all policies and practices supported by the structural assistance, innovations and policies; partnership - inclusion and empowerment of all stakeholders, sustainable development, good governance programs and projects.

29 Jan 2014