
REMEDY: The Voice from the Past – Recalling Memories in Diversity

Remedy aims to emphasize the importance of remembering the past, commemorating the totalitarian regime victims and appreciating the present. The diverse EU communities involved share their history of totalitarian regimes and resistance in the fight for their rights. The project will involve EU citizens of older and younger generation that will enrich each other’s knowledge of past events and eventually lead to reconciliation.

The project « The Voice from the Past - Recalling Memories in Diversity » was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"

Strand 1 – "European Rememberance"

4 events have been carried out within this project:

Event 1

Participation: The event involved 76 citizens, including 50 participants from the city of Geraci Siculo (Italy),

2 participants from the city of Cracow (Poland), 2 participants from the city of Murcia (Spain), 2 participants from the city of Bremen (Germany), 4 participants from the city of Tirana (Albania), 2 participants from the city of Fernao Ferro (Portugal), 4 participants from the city of Sofia (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Tartu (Estonia), 4 participants from the city of Istiea-Aedipsos (Greece), 4 participants from the city of Braila (Romania).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Geraci Siculo, (Italy), from 03/11/2016 to 06/11/2016

Short description: The aim of the event 'Remembrance' was that each partner organization present its institution. Afterwards the structure of the national workshops was defined: all partners identified the 18 months calendar activities. Central moment of activity was the official Ceremony of the 4th of November - The anniversary of the November 4 is linked to the institutional commemorations that evoke the victorious conclusion of World War 1st, November 4, 1918. At the and there was storytelling activity - The tree of Memory. Each partner shared with the audience a story about people who experienced in their life the effect of the direct result of a totalitarian regime.

Event 2

Participation: The event involved 116 citizens, including 77 participants from the city Cracow (Poland),

23 participants from the city of Geraci Siculo (Italy), 2 participants from the city of Murcia (Spain),1 participant from the city of Bremen (Germany),2 participants from the city of Tirana (Albania), 2 participants from the city of Fernao Ferro (Portugal), 2 participants from the city of Sofia (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Tartu (Estonia), 2 participants from the city of Istiea-Aedipsos (Greece), 3 participants from the city of Braila (Romania).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Cracow (Poland), from 26/01/2017 to 28/01/2017

Short description: The aim of the event 'Reflection' was promotion of intercultural dialogue, within activity, 'Reflection' through re-flecting on relevance of the totalitarian regimes today. Students presented their research on ostracism and loss of citizenship. The youth ex-changed their readings and reflections on historical topics of the period. Also Quiz on the knowledge of the totalitarian regimes today was organized.

Event 3

Participation: The event involved 59 citizens, including 34 participants from the city Tartu (Estonia),

8 participants from the city of Geraci Siculo (Italy), 4 participants from the city of Murcia (Spain), 2 participants from the city of Bremen (Germany),2 participants from the city of Tirana (Albania), 2 participants from the city of Fernao Ferro (Portugal), 2 participants from the city of Sofia (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Cracow (Poland), 2 participants from the city of Istiea-Aedipsos (Greece), 1 participant from the city of Braila (Romania).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Tartu (Estonia), from 06/09/2017 to 08/09/2017

Short description: The aim of the event 'Reconciliation' was to conduct workshop - Reconciliation and History: Case of the Bronze soldier. How interpretations of history impact us today. It was conducted in a way that smaller groups brainstormed a current collective memory or historic memory issue, coming up with an idea how they can contribute to alleviating these issues all leading towards better understanding on how to address reconciliation. Also, it was provided a guided tour around the area where Soviet Raadi airbase used to be. For 50 years, it was the largest military airbase in the Baltics and the whole area was closed off to the people of the city.

Event 4

Participation: The event involved 77 citizens, including 45 participants from the city Bremen (Germany),

12 participants from the city of Geraci Siculo (Italy), 2 participants from the city of Murcia (Spain), 2 participants from the city of Tartu (Estonia),2 participants from the city of Tirana (Albania), 4 participants from the city of Fernao Ferro (Portugal), 2 participants from the city of Sofia (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Cracow (Poland), 4 participants from the city of Istiea-Aedipsos (Greece), 2 participants from the city of Braila (Romania).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Bremen (Germany) from 27/11/2017 to 28/11/2017

Short description: The aim of the event 'Reflection' was to visit the Denkort Bunker Valentin, guided from experts of the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung and the Denkort Bunker Valentin to understand what exactly was its role in the past.The Bunker Valentin, the second largest above ground bunker in Europe, was a protective shelter built to construct German U-boats during World War II. Also, Digital Urban Impact Lab Bremen organized the artistic exhibition to present new ways of art and cultural expressions to make historical events alive through a modern perception. The exhibition was made of diverse ways of expressions, including digital sound art, comic art, and digital video-photo art. It was a re-elaborated version of moments, situations, atmospheres, places remembering or referring to some totalitarian events, collected during the project by the partner countries.


  • Municipality Geraci Siculo, Province of Palermo, IT
  • EprojectConsult – European Institute for training and research, Messina, IT
  • Związek Stowarzyszeń Multikultura, PL
  • Fundacion Universitaria San Antonio, ES
  • M2C Institut fur angewandte Medienforschung GmbH, DE
  • Shoqata Shqiptare e Ambjentalisteve Industriale, AL
  • APSHSTDC – Associacao Portuguesa de saude, Higiene e Seguranca, PT
  • Mittetulundusuhing Peipsi Koostoo Keskus, EST
  • Dimos Istieas Aidipsou (Municipality of Istiea – Aedipsos), GR
  • Agentia Pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Sud-Est Romania, RO

Funded by: Europe for Citizens 2014 – 2020

Project ID: 577318-CITIZ-1-2016-1-IT-CITIZ-REMEM

Project duration: 01.09.2016 - 28.02.2018

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BG05M9OP001-1.002-0034-C01 "Activation and Employment Provision for Youngsters from Cherven bryag Municipality"

In the years after the global crisis, the successful integration of young people into the labor market and the ensuring of a smooth transition between education and employment were identified as key challenges for sustainable development of the labor market and the social systems. The activation of young people is an important priority of the employment policy and is determined, by both the need to increase workforce for sustainable economic growth and to foster the social inclusion. It is needed an individual approach to achieve effectively actions of activation. In this context, this project proposal aims to activate and support the integration of young people in the labor market in Municipality of Cherven Bryag, and more specifically, those who are not in employment, education or training. The main activities, that will be of key importance, to achieve the target are: identification of 90 economically inactive young people aged 18-29 in the Municipality of Cherven Bryag through the implementation of an informational campaign and individual outreach, the young people are going to participate in a motivational training and then hired on subsidized employment in the Municipality for a period of six months on positions in the field of gardening, construction or cleaning services. The results that this project is trying for, are:

  • Identified 90 economically inactive young people who are not in employment, education or training;
  • Trained 90 young people who have acquired skills to prepare a CV and other documents for job applications; job interview; to use the channels for inclusion in the educational system, to search for trainings, internships and/or work;
  • Provided subsidized employment to 90 youths who are not in employment, education or training;
  • Activated young people, up to 29 years, to return in the educational system, registering in the "Labour Office", including in a training with an opportunity for a job and/or a realization in the labor market.

Period of activities – 12 months.

The project is funded by the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development" 2014 - 2020.

BG05M9OP001-1.002-0037-C01 "Activation and Employment Integration of Young People from Gulyantsi Municipality"

The dynamics of youth unemployment in Bulgaria follows the general European trends. At the same time, the economic activity of young Bulgarians is traditionally lower, and their inclusion in the labor market more difficult, because of a line of local factors. In the years after the global crisis the young people who are not engaged in employment, education or training has increased considerably, and Bulgaria is one of the European countries with highest percentage of inactive youth. In this context, this project proposal aims to activate and integrate in the labour market young people under 29 years old, who live on territory of Municipality of Gulyantsi, and are not engaged in employment, education or training, incl. who are not registered as unemployed in the Employment Agency. The main activities, that will be of key importance, to achieve the target are: identification of 90 economically inactive young people aged 18-29 in the Municipality of Gulyantsi through the implementation of an informational campaign and individual outreach, the young people are going to participate in a motivational training and then hired on subsidized employment in the Municipality for a period of six months on positions in the field of gardening. The results that this project is trying for, are:

  • Implemented informational campaign for identifying 90 economically inactive young people who are not in employment, education or training;
  • Implemented motivational training for acquiring skills to prepare a CV and other documents for job applications; job interview; to use the channels for inclusion in the educational system, to search for trainings, internships and/or work;
  • Provided subsidized employment to 90 youths who are not engaged in employment, education or training;
  • Activated young people, up to 29 years, to return in the educational system, registering in the "Labour Office", including in a training with an opportunity for a job and/or a realization in the labor market.

Period of activities – 12 months.

The project is funded by the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development" 2014 - 2020.

2015-1-BG01-KA347-013610 "Youth Citizens’ Initiative"

The project supports one of the overall objectives of European cooperation in the youth field, namely "promoting active citizenship, social inclusion and solidarity of all young people." This goal has become more important in the context of the European Year for Development, which will be discussed roles and responsibilities of young people in the global world and aspects of development cooperation as global solidarity and justice. The project advocates two areas for action in the field of youth: greater involvement of young people in representative democracy and civil society, effectively using information and communication technologies; and support voluntary youth activities and promote its importance. The main idea is promoting active citizenship of young people through the implementation of an innovative platform for dialogue between young people and youth policy-makers at a local level. The specific objectives are:

  • Establishing an effective model for cooperation between young people, youth organizations and local youth policy-makers;
  • Increasing the engagement of young people through voluntary activities;
  • Improving the knowledge of youngsters about youth policies and the European Year for development.

"Youth Citizens' Initiative aims to create more opportunities for youth participation in political life, to overcome antipathy to political issues and to encourage commitment to youth policies, not only locally, but also nationally and internationally. The project provides direct involvement of young people aged between 18 and 30 years in two events - workshop (30 young) and conference (40 youths).

Duration of the project: 8 months.

The project is funded by Erasmus Plus Programme, Key Action 3: Support Policy Reform – Structured Dialogue projects.

For more information – please visit the official website of the project:

BG01-KA205-001633 "Entrepreneurship & Innovation for Youth"

Entrepreneurship makes the economy more competitive and innovative and create jobs. This orientation is stimulated in Action Plan "Entrepreneurship 2020" - Revival of the entrepreneurial spirit in Europe as well as in a number of key documents of the Union. Meanwhile, many countries lack sufficient incentives and information to support young people to start their own business. All European countries, including Bulgaria need to strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit among young people, encouraging business creation and stabilization of the institutional and cultural environment for innovation and growth of SMEs. "Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Youth" aims to provide the necessary information and basic skills in entrepreneurship and to facilitate the meeting between young enterprising people who want to develop entrepreneurial business in Bulgaria and Italy.

The project is aimed at fostering entrepreneurial mindsets to entry and expansion or even creating new market niches for Europe to cope with lower levels of employment. It aims to promote the initiative among young people to start their own business and help create new business contacts. The main objective of the project is to promote entrepreneurship for higher employment and initiate business ventures.

The main target groups of the project proposal:

  • Young entrepreneurs develop their business on the territory of Bulgaria or Italy;
  • Young people interested in starting their own business.

Partners: Associazione Artistica Culturale "A Rocca" – Italy

Duration of the Project: 17 months.

The project is funded by Erasmus Plus Programme, Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Strategic Partnerships for youth

For more information – please visit the official website of the project:

BG01-KA105-001479 "Youth volunteers in Family Farming - united for a world free from poverty and hunger"

In the context of 2014 International Year of Family Farming, an initiative of the United Nations (UN), project "Youth volunteers in Family Farming - united for a world free of poverty and hunger" aims at repositioning family farming in the center of agriculture and social policies of the national agencies by opening "holes", and opportunities for promoting more equal, and balanced development among young people outside the big cities, directly or indirectly involved in agricultural production.

The activities will be carried out in Kustendil (it is called "The Orchard of Bulgaria"), Bulgaria. The area is one of the most fertile parts of Bulgaria, very rich in orchards, vegetable plantations and etc., which directly corresponds to the idea of the project. The project will involve 30 participants from five countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Romania, Turkey and Georgia).

The goal of the 2014 IYFF is to reposition family farming at the center of agricultural, environmental and social policies in the national agendas by identifying gaps and opportunities to promote a shift towards a more equal and balanced development.


  • "Future in Progress" – Romania;
  • "Scambieuropei" – Italy;
  • "SIQA"- Georgian Association of Educational Initiatives – Georgia;
  • "Genclik Akademisi Dernegi" – Turkey.

The project is funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme, Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals - Mobility project for young people and youth workers.

Period of Activities: 23.03. – 29.03.2015

BG051PO001 -1.1.13– 0442-C001 "Creating of New Jobs in ONPRS"

The objectives of the project are:

  • ONPRS will hire five unemployed young people at the age of up to 29, providing for them fully equipped work places and monthly salary.
  • To provide training on key competences for the young employees, depending on the needs of the employer and their implementation in the real practice.


  1. Preparation and management of the project;
  2. Conducting tenders for selection of suppliers / contractors;
  3. Supply of equipment;
  4. Conduct training on "Negotiations" of the employees (key competence "Learning skills") licensed by VTC (Vocational training center);
  5. Provision of funds in the amount of minimum level of income for the trainees;
  6. Information and publicity;

The project is funded by the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development" 2007-2013, financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union.

"Youth & the Ageing Societies of Europe – for Solidarity between Generations"

The project aims to answer the main questions – How can young people be of assistance, help and support to the ageing members of the society? What measures are implemented in the different countries to address these issues and how the young people participate / may participate in such initiatives? What’s the common opinion on the topic – is the older generation considered a burden to the younger? How can the ageing members of the European societies aid in the advancement of the younger ones, by sharing experience, knowledge, guidance etc.?

Participants from 5 different European countries – Hungary, Poland, Malta, Italy and Bulgaria as a hosting country and coordinator, will meet together and take part in the various project activities. Each group of participants consists of 6 people. The exchange will take place in a complex in Karlovo, Bulgaria (from 11.06.2012 to 18.06.2012). The area is one of the most beautiful parts of Bulgaria, very rich with historical monuments and interesting places to visit!

For more information visit the official website of the project:

"Central and Eastern Europe – Together towards the European Idea"

The project "Central and Eastern Europe – Together towards the European Idea" is youth exchange under the European program "Youth in action". It’s an Action 1.1 project, aiming to present the participants with each other in order to share their thoughts, experience, and opinion about their customs, habits, traditions, difficulties and their connection with the European Idea. The exchange took place in Arbanassi from 20th Nov to 1st Dec 2010. Working language was English.

The participants were students interested in European Union, European integration and policies. They were from Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary and Italy, 6 members from each country. Through open discussions about history, economy and studing other countries cultures the participants overcomed the international barriers and planed future joint action. By using workshops and simulation games we provoked discussions about the present and the future of the EU and the global challenges it faces today. The main priority was active European citizenship.

Everyone was involved in activities on themes such as "Further enlargement of EU", "Young people and global challenges facing the EU", "Contribution of cultural diversity of Europe". For comparing and analyzing the views of participants were used different methods and approaches such as "brain storming" and "the oxford debates". Everyone showed his talents, initiative, creativity and diligence in work.

The youth exchange "Central and Eastern Europe – Together towards the European Idea" contribute to training and future professional plans of each participant. With this project we made a promising beginning of cooperation with students and European organizations in the field of Economics and European community.